Ragsider Concetto S.r.l
Ragsider is a group specializing in the collection, treatment and recycling of ferrous, non-ferrous materials and recyclable waste.
Our mission has various objectives:
⁃ System innovation reducing the negative impact on the environment.
⁃ A faster and more efficient process from collection to final recycling.
⁃ Various processes more sustainable due to technology
⁃ A more efficient logistics service.
⁃ Development of most products in order to provide the shapes and measures required by the market.
The company’s policy
The company’s policy is to create long-term collaborations and relationships based on transparency and compliance with environmental regulations. Sustainability is the means to achieve our goals. We manage to guarantee the service as we are endowed with our own means both for purchasing and for picking up the goods in order to deliver them to customers, observing the contractual agreements. In the future, we want to implement the waste processing cycle in order to provide our customers with more efficient services.
100.000 mq
Material storage area
Our storage area guarantees the circularity of the collection, recycling and sale processes in a short time. Among our equipment for the treatment of materials are cranes, mechanical shovels, presses for non-ferrous materials, spectrometers, cutting press, grapple truck and dump trucks of various sizes.
Ragsider completes the entire cycle of aluminum scrap recycling with the Foundry department.
The Foundry has a production capacity of 30,000 tons per year. The production is divided into: aluminum ingots weighing 12 kg and 0.5 T big sows.
The Ragsider Foundry complies with all the ecological, environmental and safety requirements of workers, currently enjoying all the necessary certifications and recognitions from public and private bodies.
Storage equipment
Our material storage and processing equipment are cranes, mechanical shovels, presses, spectrometers for possible analysis of non-ferrous materials, cutting press for ferrous materials, grapple trucks and dump trucks of various sizes and dozens of containers.
Machinery for crushing, technologies of various types for the removal of sterile and mechanical impurities.
Means of pick-up and transport
We have our own means that allow us to guarantee pick-ups and deliveries in short terms and without delays.

We process 30,000 tons of cut, shredded and baled iron annually.

We process 30,000 tons of non-ferrous metals every year.

We treat 15,000 tons of waste annually, including glass, appliances and cans.
Over 50 collaborators
A team of experts and collaborators that today numbers over 50 units, guarantees the carrying out of all activities on a daily basis in compliance with all safety regulations.